Post #808 deserves a WOW. Here it is…

Go to Adventures of a Funky Heart, whose author just so happens to be an adult CHDer from South Carolina, and read!


Alli  on October 3rd, 2009

Wow is right indeed! Thanks for posting this… it made my day (maybe even my week!!). I have a friend who is 35 weeks along with an HLHS baby and at 30 weeks, she was flown to Boston to try and remove fluid from her baby’s body, but at the same time, they did a cardiac procedure which sounds suspiciously like this very one. I emailed her the links and she has been told that it is possible that when her baby is born, he might get off with just a minor heart cath. WOW! This gives me so much hope!!

bmarchant  on October 3rd, 2009

I agree…WOW! Seems like I remember you telling me something about this before MC was born?

Bethany  on October 3rd, 2009

that is amazing! i got chills reading that article. thanks for sharing. this makes me very hopeful!

Mimi  on October 3rd, 2009

Unbelievable what they are doing! Hopefully with medical advances and support like yours, others will not have to endure the fears you have lived with. There is hope!

michelle  on October 5th, 2009

I have never posted before but have enjoyed following your blog. I have a son with tetralogy of fallot. Although our children don’t have the same defect, I find it comforting to read about other children with chd’s. I read funky heart’s post the other night and it gave me chills and a big lump in my throat. My family lives in SC and I appreciate you sharing your experiences with us.