Quotes of the day…

“Waiting on presents is no fun at all.” McCanless after a brief lesson on patience.

“You and Daddy better give me a gift, too.” This was after a few dozen explanations on why Mommy has been shopping for everyone but her and after I excitedly tell her that Santa would bring her lots of gifts on Christmas morning.


Nonnei  on December 12th, 2008

Don’t worry Cannie! As long as you have a Santa, a Mimi, and of course, Nonnie, there will be presents for you and Mary Clare!
Christmas will be here before you can spell-Santa?
Try to go to bed early every night-so the next
day will get here faster!
I love you, Nonnie

kate  on December 18th, 2008

you need to add the one from this past weekend…

“grandma got run over by a… CAR!”
