Hartsville Kicks off the Season!

2011 Hartsville Christmas Parade

Mel and I pulled MC in the wagon again this year in the parade.  She was quite a ham, as usual!  And…I made it!  I was determined to walk the entire parade again this year, and I did it!  It was so much fun.  I wasn’t even tired at the end!  (Ha! Take that chemo!)

After we walked the parade route, we walked back to find our family so we could watch the parade and see McCanless on her Dizzy Dancin’ float.

These two…

When Reese got this hat, MC asked him if he was graduating.


Daddy jumped into one of the fire trucks….because he could.

Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus

Santa posed for me!


Jennifer  on December 4th, 2011

so happy to see you leading the parade, beautiful!

Carrie  on December 4th, 2011

The parade was so much fun and all the girls (and Mel) looked great!! I was so happy to see you walking and happy (yes take that chemo!) MC was cute as a button waving at all the peeps. P.S. I downloaded the picture with Taylor in it..hope you don’t mind, but it’s a good one.

yesiri  on December 4th, 2011

I have been following your blog for about a year. I continue to be amazed by your spunk! I am the grandmother to a darling 8 year old grandson with HLHS & his angel sister (HLHS & Turners) who would be 5 years old. I have been amazed at the strength my daughter has shown going through these health trials. She says either you face it and do battle or you don’t. She doesn’t see any other option but to fight and win —– God willing. I have wondered at times what would happen if she were to get sick. It was unbelievable when you announced you had cancer. I prayed for miracles for you and your family….. & will continue those prayers. I loved seeing the picture of you walking in the parade. You look beautiful. Cancer is not anything anyone would ask for. I’ve noticed you are in charge & cancer is not ruling your life. How fortunate that you have a supportive family and community. I just want to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday. It won’t be long before you’ll be posting the “bell-ringing” picture.

Kerri Pennington  on December 5th, 2011

So glad you downloaded it, Carrie! It is a great photo! So sorry I didn’t see you as we walked in the parade. (I swear I need glasses. I couldn’t really make out faces. If someone yelled, “Hey Kerri!” I just smiled and waved. :/

Terri Woodham  on December 5th, 2011

Wonderful parade-I enjoyed it sooooo much. It always brings out the kid in this 60 year old!
Love you Nonnie

Terri Woodham  on December 5th, 2011

Kerri you looked just as pretty as the beauty queens! MOM

[email protected]  on December 5th, 2011

Kerri! I was so happy to see you, Mel and MC leading the parade on Saturday. You brought tears to my eyes, sweet friend! Keep on keeping’ on…you are almost there! Love to your family from ours!