It’s a… Moon Pie!
Last night, we headed to Columbia for dinner with Kacy and William for a “small” dinner party. If you know our family, you know we don’t do anything small-last minute, completely unpredictable and usually unplanned; but never small. Last night was no exception. We laughed about, cried over, predicted, chatted and celebrated the newest little one in our family.
Kacy and William had their 20 week ultrasound last Monday, and among finding out that Baby Keels is a healthy baby, William discovered the gender. Kacy decided to wait for her “Keels Reveal” dinner party last night. We ordered a cake and William called the bakery to let them know if we needed a pink cake or a blue cake. We had it decorated as a Moon Pie, simply because that’s what we’ve been calling Baby Keels since we learned of Kacy’s pregnancy. (…and it would require chocolate icing, making it more difficult to see pink or blue cake-my family totally doesn’t trust me. They thought I’d peek.)
I took my camera, but I was too excited and completely forgot to take photos. Thankfully, Kate was snapping photos all night with her cell phone.
MC and Uncle Alston
This baby has LOTS of happy Aunts and Uncles and two extra excited cousins… (and we’re even missing an uncle in this photo!)
..and plenty of fun friends to fill-in!
Mommy, Nonnie and Yet-to-Be-Named, Keels Grandmother
Baby boy, we are so excited! We can’t wait to meet you and welcome you into your amazing family.
Kacy on March 6th, 2012
So much fun let’s do it again!