Heart Day so far…

We’ve already had an eventful Valentine’s Day and it’s not even lunch!

This morning the girls dressed up for the THA Annual School-Wide Valentine’s Day dance.  It’s so cute!  All students, grades 3K-8th grade,  look forward to this day for weeks.  The girls and boys doll-up and have a ball dancing with each other and their teachers.  Mary Clare insisted on wearing “high-heels,” so we searched until we found them!  Who knew baby-heels could be found?

Last night, Mel surprised me us with a Sonos wireless music system for our house!  I woke up this morning to 50 Cent serenading me with “P.I.M.P.”  (Don’t ask me why Mel has that in his iTunes.)   So, as I frantically got two girls ready for a somewhat formal event (curling hair, teaching how to walk in heels, figuring out how to keep them WARM), Mel blasted everything from Taylor Swift’s,  “Love Story” to the Go Go’s, “Vacation” to Phish’s, “Bouncing Around the Room.”