Easter 2013
Nonnie and the girls created a Easter garden this year. It turned out beautifully and I’m certain it will be an annual event.
Especially since this big guy will surely love to dig in the dirt next year!
The girls team did lots of baking…
And the Easter bunny brought us all of our Summer essentials!
McCanless and three other boys sang a beautiful little song in church on Easter Sunday. It was such a sweet little song, and I was so very proud of her.
A fun Easter lunch at BB and Papa’s house
And a super loud, crazy, egg-hunt and dinner at Nonnie and Bubba’s house.
And lots of outside time, despite the chilly and wet weather.
The golf cart is out and ready for summer! (and has a brand new driver!) We’ve only had one call from an elderly (and quite concerned) neighborhood lady so far. Not bad.
A few days at the beach…
This girl is a mermaid in disguise, I do believe. She was thrilled to be at the beach. Pure bliss.
Just a taste of wonderful, lazy summer days ahead. We are so excited! Happy Easter!