The Latest…

…did I mention McCanless has entered the “terrible two’s” already? NO is her favorite word these days. She will even say, “NO MA-MA.” She is a bit stubborn at times and get frustrated easily…hummm, did she get that from Mel?

She really amazes me at how many words she recognizes now. She attempts say many words, but I think I’m the only one who actually knows what she is saying. She loves to go “side” and see the “LAAAAA.” (outsde to see the lake) She also loves to help me get the “MILL” (mail) everyday. She also calls our puppies, “EMM-EMM-EMM” and “MILL MILL.” (Emmie and Molly) She definitely understands yes and no. She will bob her head up and down or shake it from side to side in response to a question.

She loves to “REEEEE” her books now, too. (over and over and over) She has one book of animals, and she loves to point to the animal and make the sound.

She continues to amaze both of us with how much she learns everyday. She listens to every word we say, and will stop and stare at our mouths as we say them. It is as if she is just studying our lips and trying to figure it all out.