The Latest…

McCanless is beginning to “put it all together.” Her vocabulary is expanding and she has been saying two and three words at a time. She even said, “I ON KNOW” and held out her little hands the other day when I asked her where her blanket was.

Mel and I were in D.C. this weekend for a friend’s wedding. McCanless went to the beach with my sisters and mother. Mom said McCanless met a “friend” on the beach. He was 19-months-old and a bit afraid of the water. McCanless, being the water baby that she is, placed her hand on his back and urged him to go with her in the water and would say to him, “Whee.” (which is what she would say each time a wave passed by) She loved the water and even went under a few times. She would jump right up and wipe her eyes off, smile and want to go right back in! Mom said she finally had to drag her out of the water kicking and screaming.