Sleep Over 1

“We have a limo.  Do you want to take the limo the movies tonight?”

“You really have a limo?”

“Yes, my dad keeps it at the funeral home.”

is what I overheard McCanless discussing with her friends, Jennie and Eliza tonight as they were getting all dolled up for their movie date with Mel.  Tonight is a milestone for our little girl.  It is her first big girl sleepover.  It marks the first of many, many sleepless slumber play dates, I’m sure.  This was all Mel’s fault idea, as he adores Jennie and Eliza and has been hyping up these girls for months for a sleepover at our house!  (McCanless has stayed with them several times, so I guess it is all fair play.)  He was just as thrilled as they were, however.  As I sit here in the momentary peace and quiet as Mary Clare sleeps and I await their arrival from the movies, I wonder if Jennie and Eliza will make it through their first overnighter, if there will be a quarrel, if I can get them to bed at a decent hour, if Mel actually went to get the funeral home limo to ride 1/2 mile downtown to the movie theater?  But mostly, I wonder where the years have gone?  Is she really at this age? Five and a HALF she is always sure to tell anyone who asks.   Time certainly flies.  If only tonight would.


jan tompkins  on June 13th, 2009

Update on the sleepover please?? Hope they had a good time and you got some rest!

KATE  on June 13th, 2009

“we have a limo” hahaha!!! McCanless you are too much!!! I can’t wait to hear all about the sleepover!!! I’m sure you girls had a blast!!! Miss you and love you lots!!

Terri Woodhoam  on June 14th, 2009

So grown up! Nonnie

kacy  on June 17th, 2009

McCanless is such a big girl! I’m sure yall had so much fun! Can’t wait to see yall! Love you!