We did it!

Today was McCanless’ first day of 2-year-old kindergarten!


McCanless had to pack a few “friends” to take along with her.




A brief “McCanless” moment, and we were back on track and ready to go!



Things were going well! McCanless was excited and even had a flower to give Ms. Jordan.


Well, until we got there! As we pulled into the parking lot, McCanless looked at me and firmly said, “I’m not going to see Ms. Jordan.” I looked at Mel and knew that she meant what she said. I was ready to turn around and take her back home. Mel wouldn’t let us go. “She will be fine..she’ll love it,” he said.

Each step closer to her room, she held onto me tighter and tighter. I had to do what I once thought was the most horrible thing a mother could ever do. I had to pass her on to her teacher and walk out of the door with her screaming, “MOMMY!”

I was so upset…with Mel for not letting me take her home…with that teacher who wouldn’t know how to hug her the way I could…with my dryer for not having her silky dry enough for her to take to school…with that woman in the hall that said, “wait until she goes to first grade…then wait until she goes to college.” Was that supposed to make me feel better?

I was about to turn around and get my munchkin when I noticed that she wasn’t crying anymore. One day down…and guess what? She absolutely loved it and cried to stay when I picked her up. She sang, “Little Bunny Foo Foo” all day and spoke of her friends and of painting, and beamed when she showed me her folder with the most beautiful First Day of School drawing.