Status of potty training, you ask?

Potty Training Status1

What potty training?  Mary Clare is far more interested in finding the appropriate potty accessories than actually going potty.

Potty Training Status 2

So, no one mentioned to me that what works for one of your children may not quite work as well with another, despite the fact that they derived from the same gene pool.  McCanless was a breeze.  I bought princess panties and that was that.  She was trained before she was two.  No trouble.  No whoops.  No fuss.  I didn’t even try with her, and I have just assumed that the same “technique” would work for Miss Mary Clare.

Potty Training Status 3

I was wrong.

I think I may have to actually work on a plan of attack because, clearly, she has no desire to ever use the potty for what it is intended.   Any suggestions before I begin Potty Boot Camp?

We’ll not even mention the paci.  Okay?

One Comment

Erica May  on December 7th, 2009

oh no! Well, Emerson is doing really good at telling me when she has to go potty and doing it! We haven’t braved going out in public without the diaper yet! Our biggest problem is getting her out of our bed and still trying to get her to sleep a full night! Hope all is well and hope to see you guys soon!