Birthday Party round one…


On the morning of her birthday, McCanless woke up to a battery-powered Princess car from Mimi and Bapa! (too bad Daddy didn’t charge it before she opened it)…and an electric Barbie guitar from Nonnie and Bubba. (Thanks for that one, mom…Mel and I love it) By the way, if you couldn’t tell from the picture, McCanless dresses herself for bed! …and her shirt reads, “My Dad ROCKS!”



One last headache before taking her to school…


“Who is ready for a birthday party?” Ms. Jordan asked the kids. Of course McCanless was the first to jump! Daddy (in the birthday hat) is still a bit resentful about me not throwing him a 31st surprise birthday party in December…he waits for one every year. Poor Daddy!


Guess she wasn’t as ready as she thought! This is the birthday princess as EVERYONE was singing, “Happy Birthday” to her. (she did the same thing at her 2-year-old birthday party last year..and again at Chuck E. Cheese at her 3-year-old birthday party this year)




Then on to McDonald’s for a birthday lunch with Mommy and Daddy! We told her she could go anywhere she wanted, and of course she chose Mickey D’s with the play yard!! McNuggets, McApples, and McApple juice! Yum! (I guess we should enjoy the cheap birthday lunches for now, as I’m sure the expense of birthdays will increase)



Nice face, McCanless. (with a nugget hanging out of her mouth) Her daddy teaches her these things! I’m working on both of them!