A very special day!

Communion Sunday I

Communion Sunday II

Last Sunday, December 20, 2009, Mary Clare participated in the Holy Eucharist!  She has been asking for several months if she can take “munion” with us.  We spoke to Father Michael about it and remembered that McCanless also had her first communion at 2 1/2, on Father’s Day in 2006.  He is a firm believer in allowing children to participate, especially when they show an interest, and allowing them, as baptized Christians, the right to this very important Holy Sacrament.  She kneeled, held her little hands out (barely over the chancel rail) to take the wafer, and did exactly as she was told.  She was still chewing when the Chalice came around, so we passed on the wine.  I think I’ll continue to allow her to pass on that for a while.

I was so proud and it was such a beautiful moment.  What a miracle the Holy Communion is and what a miracle that Mary Clare is alive and well and able to celebrate Christ in this way.

I didn’t get photos before, during or after church, but we were there for a Christmas party that evening, so I snapped a couple of quick photos of the girls in our beautiful church after the party!


Elizabeth Hall  on December 22nd, 2009


Your post gave me chills! What a true testament to God’s grace…we love Mary Clare so much!

Merry Christmas!

Terri Woodham  on December 28th, 2009

Thank you! Nonnie