Closing time

Sorry for the delay in this update but we’ve been spending alot of time in the PC-ICU with Mary Clare. At 10:00 a.m. they began the procedure to close her chest from the heart surgery. It took about two hours and then we could sit with her again. Later tonight she began to come out of her sedation and open her eyes. We sat with her and she held our fingers and we talked for a while. She drifts in and out and sleeps a lot. She has pretty blue eyes! We will get up early tomorrow to go see her now that she can open her eyes as to not leave her all alone in the PC-ICU.

From here we look for the next hurdle: Weening off of her meds, getting off the vent, removing her chest tubes, taking out the pacing wires. It seems like a lot to accomplish but after heart surgery everything seems rather easy comparitively speaking. Also, since we have been spending most of our time in the PC-ICU, my phone stays off, so feel free to text us (we haven’t checked voicemail in about a week now.) I am only checking emails at night also.

I’ll be sure to give more timely updates tomorrow once the waiting room opens again and we can access a computer during the day. All is well so far, we look forward to seeing some familiar faces again real soon.

Next Update: 11:00 a.m. Thursday