Early Update
Because of the nurse shift change from 7-8:30 we have to be out of the PC-ICU so they can do updates and rounds. Before we left, they were able to remove the drain tubes from her chest. This is a great step forward for us and she is continuing to run her “C-Pap” breathing tests well. We should be able to remove her from the vent tomorrow if she continues to improve throughout the night. We will be returning around 8:30 to check on her and will update you again at the scheduled 10:00 p.m. update.
**On a side note. McCanless is not pleased that we’ve hijacked her website for her babysister so we should give you a brief update on her as well. She is with her great aunt sherrill, nonnie, and kate in Florida on vacation. She went to Sea World the other day and loved seeing the dolphins. She has finally learned to swim without any flotation device!!! And finally, she has offically nicknamed her baby sister “Scooter.” We will begin the developing stages to get each daughter their own portion of this blog.