Delay of Game

We are anxiously awaiting the removal of the IV to her right atrium of her heart. We were told earlier that we would be moving out of PC ICU today but then got word that the beds are all full upstairs. It looks like we will have one more night without “Scooter”.

We had a great time visiting with McCanless this weekend. She had the opportunity to see her baby sister again for a few brief minutes and it was a riot. McCanless kept saying “Oh, she’s a sweetie.” “I will teach her how to swim mommy.” I can only imagine by the way that McCanless drags her cat, Ballie, around by the neck in a choke hold that we will surely lose sight of Mary Clare for a brief moment to find McCanless dragging her by the head out to the lake for swimming lessons.

Another funny observation was McCanless in the children’s room here at MUSC called the Atrium. They have a realistic looking albeit pretend medical kit. Complete with surenges, antibiotics, dressings, and feeding tubes. McCanless had the baby duck-taped-up, and had a feeding tube inserted, all-the-while giving her baby shots and telling her “Shhh, this won’ hurt a minute.”

Mary Clare is doing well. She is a strong little girl much like her mommy. She sleeps most of the day and is now taking more and more breast milk through her feeding tube. We have new photos and I will do my best to add them to the page tonight. After a swollow study today, we will know more about her progress in learning to feed. An ENT doctor visited yesterday and so far things look great. Once we move upstairs, eating will be her next hurdle. She has been doing exceptionally well, according to the nurses, as she is taking milk well, and sucking on her “passy.” Apparently these babies have a hard time “re-learning” to suck, swollow, and breathe simultaneously, and it usually takes most of them a while to get the hang of it. Mary Clare is well on her way and a bit ahead of the game.

*I wanted to thank all of you that follow our progress here. Thank those of you who have sent flowers, and cards, and left messages. While we may not be able to respond to most of these right now, please know that your words of encouragement and your support and most importantly – knowing that we are not alone throughout this process, evend though we are alone at times here – have ment the most to us. It chokes me up to see how many of you make the effort even though you don’t have to.

And as not to sound all soppy and emotional – back to the humor which keeps us sane –

** I Especially wanted to thank those of you who have offered to bring food and remind you that due to my dietary allergies, I have been notified by Dr. Areephanthu that I should shy away from ANYTHING THAT DOES NOT come in a pizza box, wasn’t prepared at Ruth’s Drive-in, or come from those who prepare meals of the latina persuasion. For health reasons he also mentions that casserols and anything containing vegetables may be life threatening to my system. I know that this may seem rare but I frequently meet 15 year old boys infected with this every day.

All the best and we will continue to update now that the weekend is over. We look forward so much to getting back to the creek house and being with our family, seeing our friends, and getting back to normal.

Next Update: Est. 8:00 p.m.