So serious…

serious face Mary Clare.jpg

Sometimes, even in her sleep, Mary Clare seems so serious. (Already so unlike her sister!!) She even has tiny little forehead wrinkles! She smiles often, usually at me or McCanless, but most of the time she has such a serious look on her face.

She is beginning to get very bored just lying on her back. She loves to be upright and looking around. She is so funny to watch as she tilts and turns her head. She seems to be so curious and interested in her surroundings; and with that look on her face, she seems to be trying to figure it all out. (Now this reminds me so much of McCanless…hmmm, if I do have another McCanless on my hands, maybe by the time Mary Clare is three, I’ll have it all figured out.)

Good News!! Today, Mary Clare weighs 8 lbs, 14 oz!! Although she is still eating a relatively small amount, (still around 2 oz per feeding, if we are lucky) she is slowly gaining and not losing, which is great! I can tell now that she is eager for next meals and eats a bit faster. Hopefully soon, she will increase her amounts. We are letting her sleep at night and wake us (me) up to feed her. Last night she even had a four hour stretch. I haven’t slept for four straight hours in quite a while. It was nice.

We have another check-up in Charleston next Wednesday. Things are going smoothly, and hopefully will continue to do so.