Jump Rope for Heart

I had great plans of getting fantastic photojournal-ish type photos of the American Heat Association Jump Rope for Heart event and Blood Drive at Thomas Hart.  Not only for my blog, but perhaps the Hartsville Messenger.  I even thought about submitting something to the State, a lofty aspiration, but why not?  This was a huge event in honor of my Mary Clare, and McCanless had such a great time keeping up with all of the very generous donations for her cause.   Surely everyone would want to know about it.  Right?  Then I realized that I would have to do two things:  1) find time to write articles and 2) photo willing subjects.  Neither of which would happen.

Jump a thon 1

McCanless refused to even face my camera to show off her cute double-dutch worthy attire.

Jump a thon 2

And Mary Clare, although perfectly content on every single middle school girl’s hip, wouldn’t dare smile.  Not even once for my camera.

Jump a thon 3

She even broke down in the middle of the gym floor because she wanted a “pink snow cone, not a green one.”

It probably didn’t help matters when I gave blood, just as I have so, so many times before, immediately before the Jump Rope event.  The event that was held way out on the soccer field in the 95 degree , hot and humid SC spring weather.  I gave blood, boastfully sat for a mere minute, grabbed Mary Clare and headed out to the field with my Nikon. I sat down on the bleachers and passed Mary Clare on to a few students and blacked out.   So instead of taking photos, I stared out into space.  Literally.  Needless to say I didn’t get my award winning photojournalistic shots I originally hoped for, but we had a wonderful event to spread awareness for the American Heart Assocation and even beat our last year’s record for pints of blood donated!   Way to go, THA!