Mornings for the Pennington Girls…

are going smoother as the days roll along.  Sometimes.

I’ll admit both of my girls need lots of TLC and quiet time in the wee hours…

…and I have to be very delicate with my not-so-morning girls while Daddy sleeps in.  (I’d rather NOT have three not-so-morning people awake at once.)

And although I’m certainly a morning person, which makes for (ahem) “interesting” mornings, I’ve had to accept that my girls and hubby are not.

And I love my not-so-morning family.


Nonnie  on September 8th, 2010

SMILE Cannie and Mary Clare-how many years left?
Hang on it will be Thanksgiving before you know it! NON

Sissy - aka Sherrill  on September 9th, 2010

I agree – mornings should be around 10:00