Just a moment

I often tell myself to “take a moment.”  I stop in my tracks and think about what I’m saying or doing and just reflect.  Is this truly going to matter tomorrow?  I’ve never been one to sweat the small stuff.   I try not to overreact.  (In fact, I usually under react, which is trait I inherited from my mother.)   You all know I’ve followed many heart babies and families and have used the heart community as a great source of  support and strength.  Too often I read of babies who just couldn’t keep up the fight.  This week, I’ve been saddend by two of these babies,  Ewan and Joshua.

CHD is ugly and horrible and I just don’t understand why it can’t be figured out.  Quite frankly, it makes me furious sometimes and when that happens, I stop and take a moment.  I have Mary Clare with me here and now.  Why should I be so concerned with something that I really have no control over?  I do, however, have control over how I face life.  The short precious lives of these two amazing babies will hopefully make everyone, myself included, stop and take a moment to be thankful for the here and now.

Life is so precious.


katieall  on October 6th, 2010

Hi Kerri-
I’m so deeply saddend too. CHD is awful and the hardest part to overcome is that it’s never fixed with our girls. We are the lucky ones and like you said, we have no control over what happens. Makes me want to make the most of every minute since you just never know.

How did Mary Clare’s appointment go? I was thinking of you guys this week, thinking it was soon.

Take care and give those cute girls a hug from us.
Katie (Maddie’s mom)

kelleyn  on October 7th, 2010

I need to do more of that. Stopping and taking a breath before I react to my children. Thanks for the reminder!