SO PCICU Here We Come
Daddy is making a guest appearance on the blog for the latest update:
We are back in the habbit of beginning all of our thoughts with So after being with cardiology all day. Dr. Bradley cam in and did a post-operation debriefing and let us know that everything went according to plan. He did have to patch her aorta and make it a tad bigger but all is well. She has been moved back into PCICU for recovery and wake-up.
I must say, going back to PCICU is like moving into your old college dorm ten years later, but all of your friends never graduated. We have an official smoothie night planned already (An old fashioned Ice Cream Social for med geeks)
Fr. Michael (Our favorite Priest) came by to have prayer and hang out a while. Some of our nursing friends even stopped by to say hello. Now family is going back one by one to see Mary Clare and let her hold their finger. She should be waking up in a few hours and opened her eyes once when we were in there.
We’ll be here for the next 10-15 days…hunkered down on the cruise chip to nowhere. I will eat a steady diet of CHik-fil-A and Chick-fil-A over the coming week. I am glad to be back at home here amongst our friends at MUSC and will make the most of our stay here.
We will be posting updates as they come available over the next few days and we wanted to especially thank those of you who have offered up your prayers and words of encouragement in the past days and weeks.
FYI – My brother-in-law is staying at our house feeding the dogs this week so feel free to call the cops if you see that the house party is raging out of control.
I wish you all a great weekend!
The MUSC Cruise Director
Lee on December 7th, 2007
So glad you all have had a good day. I have called mom throughout the day for updates since I haven’t been by the computer. We’re continuing to pray for a speedy recovery. Love and prayers, Lee
Beverley Dodson on December 7th, 2007
Thinking of you with hope, prayer, and love.
Tonya and Donnie Rainey on December 8th, 2007
Mel and Kerri,
Thanks so much for keeping us all up to date. You are all in our prayers. Your family is constant evidence of God’s grace and His goodness.
Donnie and Tonya Rainey
Kim Patterson on December 7th, 2007
Hey Mel and Kerri,
I am so glad everything went “uneventful” as the cardiologists like to say. Please tell the nurses in PCICU that the Pattersons said hello. We’ll continue to pray for quick healing.