Prestwood Swimming Lessons 2011

Mary Clare started swimming lessons today at Prestwood pool!  She has done so well so far this summer with her floaties, but after today I think she just may be a great little swimmer-sans floatation devices- by next week!  She’s already swimming under water and her swim instructor said she (naturally) had the most beautiful breast stroke. (Can you tell I’m one proud mama?)

“That’s my mom.” -MC

Once she caught a glimpse of my camera, she really hammed it up!

“That’s my girl.” -Mommy

Not sure why she uses goggles.  She keeps her eyes wide open under water!

Guess who else is learning something new?


KATE  on July 13th, 2011

you WORK IT, MC!!!

Terri Woodham  on July 16th, 2011

They are just growing up too fast!!! I can’t catch up with them!! Don’t forget NON in all your adventures!!!