One Little, Two Little, Three Little…..Native Americans

“Mom, Ms. Chure says you don’t say ‘Indian.'”

“You say, ‘Native American!'”

Princess Lightening Dancer I.jpg

Three feathers in her headdress for 3 syllables in MUH-CAN-LESS!

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This year her Native American name is “Lightning Dancer,” which suits her completely! It has been funny to see what her teachers name her each year. In 2K she was sarcastically dubbed “Princess Morning Dove.” (She has always had problems with mornings.) Last year, her 3K teacher very appropriately named her, “Free Spirit.” It seems that I should invest in a better Native American costume, as it has been our luck that she has been chosen to be one every year!

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“Ms. Jenny’s” 4K class of Pilgrims.

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Ms. Chure’s 4K class of Native Americans.

One Comment

Kacy  on November 20th, 2008

McCanless gets the coolest “Native American” names. I would hate to see what name I would get. Probably something like Broken Swan for all times I’ve broken bones and haven’t been too graceful! Way to go Can Can for not taking after your not so graceful aunt! See you soon!!!