Just have to share…

Go here…

I’m super excited.  I recently Googled “hair growth after chemo” and found a plethora of information online; however, one blog stood out.  It’s a blog of a cancer survivor who lost her hair, yet documented each week of her hair growth after her chemo treatments ended, aptly named, “Hair Growth After Chemo.”   Ironically, her timing is almost one year ahead of me.  On November 27, she posted a picture of her new beautiful dark curly locks and I sat and cried at I read her post thinking that could be me in one year or so.

Recently, I’ve become a little self-conscious of my diminishing eye lashes and eye brows.  My skin now has a dull yellow hue, as I remember noticing on other chemo patients early on in my treatment at SCOA.  I wrote to my new blog friend today and explained that for me bald was easy when I was early in my treatment.  I had thick, black eye lashes and eye brows.  My skin still glowed of health.   (Three of my features I will never complain about again as long as I live.)  However, these five chemo rounds have played a toll on my body.

I look sick.

Even when I smile and have great energy, I look sick.  It’s disheartening.  I so want to look on the outside how I feel on the inside.

This new blog gave me hope that life does go on after chemo.  Even now, when I’m still in the thick of it all, with surgery and radiation still ahead of me, I see the light at the end of the tunnel.  And my new friend, author of my new favorite blog, whom I will likely never meet or even talk to for that matter has sparked a new found confidence in me.

I’m so close and I know that by this time next year, God willing, I may have a head full of dark waves.  I hope so!


Just have to share…too « Hair growth after chemo  on December 12th, 2011

[…] I recently received a lovely comment from someone, and when I visited her blog I found a post by Kerri, who is at the end of her chemo treatment. Check it out here! […]

mimi and bapa  on December 12th, 2011

Your beauty goes beyond eyebrows and hair to those around you, but for you, I wish those things that make you feel good. I love you!

Misty  on December 12th, 2011

I hope for those things for you, too my friend. But I agree, you have always been beautiful from the inside out. Beauty starts with the heart and our love for God and I know you have that. And I feel that you will meet your blogger friend, maybe not here on earth (or maybe so) but one day, His Family will all be together. I love hearing how struggles turn into hope for others, awesome. I love you and miss you sweet Care Bear!

Nonnie  on December 12th, 2011

Kerri, I was just thinking how healthy and happy you seemed this weekend. Don’t fret, my dear. Mimi and Misty are right-your beauty is within as well as outward!
I love you, Mom

Cherry McCoy  on December 12th, 2011

Have a friend who finished Chemo about 3 1/2 months ago. Her hair is over an inch long now. You will have beautiful hair again….for now just concentrate on getting well! No one else notices these minor flaws – your beauty shines more!

Julie Cole  on December 16th, 2011

The strength we get from others who have been through what we have is an amazing and wonderful spiritual gift. I think reading about the connections you are making with others who help give you help moves me as much as anything else. The beautiful part of it all is that you are that inspiration to others, as well. You share it – you give it away – and through that you are like the pebble on the pond…your experience, strength and hope sends ripples out to others, letting them know they, too, are not alone. Thank you for your openness. Your courage and faith moves me to tears often. Prayers for you, beautiful lady, and your family, too. Love to you!

Erin  on December 17th, 2011

Just wanted to say that in my case- I feel this way about your blog. For me, it’s because my 2 year old daughter Vivian (who also has HLHS) needs her Fontan next summer. When I read your blog and see pics of Mary Clare, I can dream about the day that Vivi is past her next surgery and that my little girl is 3 too- and it gives me hope. 🙂

Avril  on January 12th, 2012

You are not alone. Know that I’m an Irish woman aged 38 who has just finished chemo, surgery in 3 weeks and I too am excited about hair regrowth!! It’s wonderful to read ur post, makes me feel not so alone too. We can do this!!

Kelly  on January 14th, 2012

I am a breast cancer SURVIVOR!!! In 2009 I found out I had breast cancer at 37 years old with 2 little boys. I am proud to say I am doing AMAZING! Don’t feel that you are alone. You will meet the most AMAZING women!! Yes, when you loose your hair, you look sick. Be STONG! Hold your head up proud. NO MATTER HOW HARD!! You will be so proud of yourself when it is all behind you. There is light at the end of the tunnel. You have supporters that you don’t even know.

Teresa  on February 10th, 2012

Estoy intervenida de Cáncer de Mama, hace 3 años previo a la intervención lleve 8 ciclos de quimioterapia posteriormente radioterapia y braquiterapia y 1 año de tratamiento con inmunoterapia. Perdí totalmente las pestañas, las cejas y todo mi pelo que era muy abundante y de un rubio oscuro precioso, aun recuerdo con tristeza y como si fuera hoy cuando me pase la mano por el cabello y me cayo parte de mi mata de pelo, llore y conforme me frotaba los ojos perdí parte de mis largas y rizadas pestañas. Desde el ultimo tratamiento ya ha pasado año y medio, el pelo no me ha salido del todo tengo muy poca mata , ya tengo pestañas y unas cejas muy finas mi color de pelo es bastante mas claro…..pero lo más importante es que me encuentro muy bien,y poco a poco he recuperado mi vida normal,disfruto de todo como si fuera una niña y aprecio más a mi familia y a mis amigos, me ha sorprendido gente que pensaba que no tenia.Poco a poco , todo pasa y te vas encontrando mejor…..ANIMO

Lynn  on May 17th, 2012

Darling girl, hope this post finds you well and better. To my sisters out there looking for information on hair growth after chemo, I just had to share–I’m 13 weeks out from my last (8th) chemo (ovarian cancer), and my hair is a little longer than half an inch. Doesn’t sound like much, but I think it’s wonderful. More importantly, I have FABULOUS eyelashes and eyebrows! Gotta tell you, once you’ve gone without eyelashes and eyebrows, you feel like a rock star when they come back in!

And I had to laugh–I have a few “wild” hairs–you know, the long ones that seem to stick out further than the other ones–and I thought I should probably trim them. But I looked at them in the mirror, and all I could think was that these were the brave little soldiers that went over the hill before everybody else, leading the charge! I got so attached to them that I bet I went another week or so before I could trim them!

Oh, and while I’m glad to have my eyebrows and eyelashes back, I really DIDN’T need to have back the furry stuff on my chin, cheeks, jaw and upper lip. What’s up with that? I know, it’s menopausal and all, but leaving that behind could be a bonus gift, right? I had to ask my husband to be sure that he told me when it became visible. It only took a week before he took me aside and, very, very delicately, said, “You know how you wanted me to tell you when I could see the fuzz on your face?” I nearly knocked him down getting to the bathroom and the depilatory! (Which, by the way, may SAY it’s for sensitive skin, but OW! And lotion is NO help. He wanted to know why I was going to bed all shiny; it was the Vaseline–it was the only thing that would sooth my burning face!)

Anyway, thank you for a wonderful website. Your hair will come back, and even when you look in the mirror and feel as though you look sick, you’re still fighting, and that makes you GORGEOUS. Be well, and be happy.

meme  on December 28th, 2012

May 15, 2012 I was diagnosed with BC, I was terrified when I was told of my sickness, I was thinking I’m dying who’s going to help my mom and family out but. I survive it six round of chemo and a successful surgery, now I’m schedule for my radiation, as for my hair it starting really slow I’m not worried about the hair, let all be blessed we’re here to this day, god is good all the times.